The Unexpected: Monticello, Graceland, and Kartchner Caverns

By MightySmall

If you're like me, you don't know much about Monticello. If you're like a lot of my RV'ing friends who have now visited Monticello, you are now a fan of the incredible history lessons to be learned there.  Visitors of Monticello just can't stop talking about how unexpectedly great their visit was.  They plan to return and they recommend it to everyone.  Their gift shop and online store feature items for your home and garden including hard-to-find heirloom seeds. Graceland was like this for me.  I liked Elvis and his music, but I was not a superfan and I did not need to visit Graceland.  Then, when we find ourselves going to Memphis, some of our friends recommend (more than 'recommend', it was more like, "you must go") a tour of Graceland.  We came away with a new respect for Elvis and much understanding of his life. Another most incredible and unexpected formation to see is the relatively new Kartchner Caverns.  I say 'new' because the first time we visited Arizona, the caverns and areas were still being developed in order to be available to the public.  'Incredible' because this wonder of the world lay hidden for so long, like a forgotten secret.


About the author

I’m Connie Fielding. I’m a minimalist and full-time, on-line entrepreneur with multiple streams of income. My experiences are helping others to find financial success without a J.O.B. Tiny homes, travel, and new ideas fascinate me.