Save Money. Learn More. Know More. Enjoy More.

By MightySmall

books, digital, family, library, movies, music

The Main Public Library, Dayton OH


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All this and more at your friendly hometown Library.  And the kicker, it's all Free??!!

No need to buy any books. No need for any magazine subscriptions. More than enough music, movies, audiobooks... In fact, most materials will be available digitally.  Thus, no commute either.   If you haven't visited your local library lately, you're in for quite a surprise.  Not only are libraries surviving, but they are also community centers with public access to resources for you and your family. Personally, we've experienced a few in the past several years.  When staying in an area for a few months or more, we've gotten our library cards for places like Alamo, Nevada; Campbellsville, Kentucky; and Dayton, Ohio.  We're always impressed with the offerings and facilities.  Oh, and borrowing Kindle books is available almost everywhere now--you just need a library card.


About the author

I’m Connie Fielding. I’m a minimalist and full-time, on-line entrepreneur with multiple streams of income. My experiences are helping others to find financial success without a J.O.B. Tiny homes, travel, and new ideas fascinate me.